TP (Tandem perfector)


The RMGT 11 TP is a unique tandem perfector press on which the reverse-side printing units are connected to a straight printing press via a special translink unit. After printing the reverse side, the front side is printed without reversing the sheets, eliminating various limitations typically associated with perfecting. This also makes it possible to perform perfecting on heavy stock. UV perfecting is also possible by equipping the translink unit with a UV curing unit, providing high-grade printing with no difference in printing quality between the front and reverse sides.


Max. printing speed 13,000 S.P.H.
Max. sheet size 820 x 1,130 mm
Min. sheet size 460 x 620 mm
Max. printing area 810 x 1,120 mm
Paper thickness 0.04 – 0.6 mm

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This data was obtained under RMGT’s standard test conditions. Results will vary according to the operating conditions.
